Sunday 5 September 2010


Having passed Okehampton, my heart drops as I see that Bodmin Moor is, yet again, swathed in fog. In my heart (and meterologically) beloved Dorset lays behind in glorious sunshine. Ahead, miles of endless gloom. Fortuitously, the cloud lifts and I discover that the moor is home to lakes and animals and is actually...dare I say it....quite lovely. But the road is long and I have decisions to make.

I find an elderly gentleman striding down the track. Where has he come from? He looks as startled to see me emerging from a motor vehicle as I was to nearly hit him driving at 15 miles an hour round yet another bend. I explain my presence and predicament and he gives me careful directions. In this part of the world you could be a long way from anywhere but be optimistic in knowing that someone will appear.

I am going to live with Nicola and her family in their converted farmhouse. It is not what I'd anticipated but their home feels lovely. There are children, two big dogs and endless fields. You have to go with your gut instinct. The alternative is to live a life in boredom.

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